Saturday, January 15, 2022

Zero state - when there was nothing

Kuva Pexels Mathias P.R. Reding 17.02.2022

Zero state: talk about the subject without finding out anything about it. Write down what you think you know and expand your knowledge as the process goes on. Hmm.. so about corporate responsibility and resource-wiseness but also the concept of transformative learning.

So here it goes. Zero state and the famous flow of thoughts. Today, sustainability plays, or it should play, a crucial part when planning production, procurement, maintenance and all the other fields of a working business and the whole society. Businesses of different sizes, cities, governments and countries are writing agreements on becoming greener and more sustainable in a given period of time. Many of the agreements are set in very near future which means that there should also be actions along with all the agreements and beautiful speeches. The goals are set high. With just 6 months of my studies and I have already become acquainted with Agenda 2030, the European Green Deal and programs like Carbon Neutral Finland 2035. For me, it has been and eye-opening experience to learn how much there is already being done and how many plans there are waiting to be executed. 

Doing business in a responsible and resource-wice way, I think, means you need to consider sustainability in all actions: production, usage, logistics, packing, storage, disposal, reuseability, procurement and all the other parts of the process I forgot here. The challenges this persuit may bring are for example:
  • possible investments in new machinery, equipment, spaces etc.
  • finding new ways to operate in all the mentioned fields
  • training the staff
  • serious networking might be necessary and for some completely new thing
  • financing all the changes once you know what the changes are
  • lack of willpower once you realize that the prize is not "just around the corner"
In the long run, however, I think it will pay off. The benefits may include:
  • more efficient use of materials: reusing the "waste" or selling to someone else to be used as a raw material in their production
  • savings in more efficient and well-planned logistics and packing of goods
  • saving through strong networks and joint forces
Kuva Pexels Jean van der Meulen 17.02.2022

When it comes to transformative learning, my knowledge is absolute zero. I heard what the teachers told us about it during inhale 1 but it was so out there that I just couldn't comprehend it... At all. I guess it will come more clear on the way. Fingers crossed!

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